
Life Path Games - ancient knowledge for modern times. 

The Life Path Game includes 82 playing cards & a unique gameboard that can be used in different ways - interactive for up to 11 players, or for one person to use again & again to support them on their life journey. The game combines the Medicine Wheel and the Labyrinth (both potent tools for transformation) in fun and thought-provoking games of self-discovery. 

The Life Path Game began as a personal process in learning how to let go of the past in order to live more fully in the present. It unfolded organically while I began painting a large canvas to use as a combined medicine wheel & labyrinth*. I had a profound dream about playing the game of life & woke up feeling energized & inspired. 

During the weeks it took to paint the medicine wheel & labyrinth*, my night dreams continued, & my painting helped to process the past & clear old wounds. It was so surprisingly effective at shifting old energy that I shared it with close friends. They validated my persistent thought, “If it helps me this much, it could help others too.” So, I spent months putting the process into a game form that everyone can relate to & feel comfortable playing. I wanted it to be fun (because life is challenging enough) & to share ways of clearing that don’t require angst. I asked groups of friends & family to play the game. Their enthusiastic feedback confirmed my feeling that it should be available to others. 

My sincere hope is that you enjoy the process (& are as surprised at the positive results as I was).



"The Life Path Game helped me see old patterns, beliefs and stories I carried from my family, so that I could choose which ones I wanted to let go of & which ones I wanted to carry forward. It was liberating to release baggage that wasn’t mine to carry."

*A labyrinth is not a maze where you get lost. It is an ancient pattern of sacred geometry where you can connect to your center. 
*For information on labyrinths, visit veriditas.org, labyrinthsociety.org, worldlabyrinthday.org